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Vintage Capital Investment Philosophy

Vintage Capital Investment Philosophy

How we invest.
July 14, 2023

The principals at Vintage Capital have extensive experience in alternative investments. Not because alternatives are necessarily a high risk / high reward investment game, but because we believe as the world changes, our investments have to change with it.

There seems to be a lag in finance with still much of the general investment advice clinging to the investment strategies of old - a mixture of stocks & bonds will be all you need to retire. Bundled in a tax advantaged retirement account that's worked for previous generations.

We believe there's a better way.

Investors have worked too hard to cut their standard of living when they retire. Not to mention - we're going to live MUCH longer than our parents & grandparents.

Can your portfolio survive a longer retirement with increased cost of living throughout the rest of your life?

Alternative Investments

Our other posts illustrate why alternative investments should be included in investor portfolios.

We believe that as the largest endowments and ultra wealthy are allocating more money towards world-class alternative managers, you should too.

A common misconception is these types of investment products are high octane risk & reward, with limited options for investors averse to risk. We see many investment products available to investors at all stages of their lives & careers.

Elite Investing for Every Investor

Until recently the investment world's preferred investment strategies were available to a very privileged few. Even among accredited investors, these investments were difficult for solo investors to break into.

Vintage capital provides accredited investors with the ability to invest alongside large asset management firms with over $100 billion AUM. We allow our investors to tap into the same products previously unavailable.

We believe you shouldn't be limited to your grandparent's investment options.


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